Izotope Rx 7 Spectral Repair
Dec 19, 2018 iZotope RX 7: Spectral Repair Spectral Repair is a module available in iZotope RX 7 Standard and RX 7 Advanced audio restoration software that lets you remove and replace unwanted sounds and frequencies in audio. 2 days ago It should be noted that Music Rebalance is not available as an AudioSuite plug-in, unlike many of the other RX 7 tools. To use it in conjunction with Pro Tools, use iZotope RX Connect in the AudioSuite menu. This will capture the audio from Pro Tools and send it directly to RX 7.
This page contains reference information about this module. For more information on how to use Spectral Repair see the Users Guide.
Spectral repair is a tool for interpolating selected areas on a time-frequency spectrogram. It is able to provide higher quality than the Declicker tool for long corrupted segments of audio (above 10 ms). Spectral repair can be used to remove (or attenuate) certain unwanted sounds from recordings, such as squeaked chairs, coughs, dropped objects, mobile phone calls, etc.
Note: Spectral Repair cannot process selections longer than 4 seconds.
RX 7 Help Documentation. Spectral Repair Spectral Repair in iZotope RX 7 is the key to discovering what your waveform won't show you. Use familiar drawing tools to identify and select problem frequencies and unwanted sounds. Salvage unusable material by filling in audio gaps instantly.
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- This is our 3rd article on iZotope's audio repair tool RX 7. We will be taking a look at the De-hum, De-crackle, De-reverb, and De-clip modules in this tutorial. Try out these modules to bring your precious recordings back to life.
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Attenuate: this mode can be used when the corrupted interval contains sufficient useful information. This method reduces spectrogram magnitudes in the selected area to match magnitudes from the surrounding area. Replace: this mode completely replaces the selected content with a content interpolated from the surrounding data. The number of frequency bands used for interpolation is selectable.Pattern: this mode finds the most similar portion of the surrounding audio and uses this to replace the corrupted audio.
Partials + Noise: this mode allows for higher-quality interpolation by explicit location of signal harmonics from 2 sides of the corrupted interval and linking them together by synthesis. This method is able to correctly interpolate cases of pitch modulation, including vibrato. The rest of non-harmonic material ('residual') is interpolated using Replace method.
Spectral Repair Controls:
Number of bands - selects the number of frequency bands used for interpolation. A higher number of bands can provide better frequency resolution, but also requires wider surrounding area to be analyzed for interpolation.
Direction - In Attenuate mode, Direction determines whether material to the left and right (Horizontal), above and below (Vertical), or both horizontal and vertical (2d) is used in repairing the selection.
Multi-resolution -enables multi-resolution mode when better frequency resolution is used for interpolation of low-frequency content and better time resolution is used for interpolation of high-frequency content. (Advanced Only)
Strength - parameter adjusts strength of attenuation in Attenuate mode.
Surrounding region length - defines how much of the surrounding content will be used for interpolation
Before/after weighting - gives more weight to the surrounding audio before or after the selection
Harmonics sensitivity - adjusts amount of detected and linked harmonics in Partials + Noise mode. Lower values will detect fewer harmonics, while higher values will detect more harmonics and can introduce some unnatural pitch modulations in the interpolated result.
Search Range- in Spectral Repair Pattern mode, selects the length of the audio segment used in a search for a suitable replacement interval. For example, setting it to 5 seconds will allow search within +/-5 second range from the selection.
Surrounding Region Shading
When using the Spectral Repair module, your selections will be shown with a dotted line surrounding your selected region. This dotted line is directly controlled by the Surrounding Region and Before/After Weighting controls inside of your Spectral Repair modules, and provides a visual representation of your set values.
Izotope Rx-7 Spectral Repair Tutorial
The surrounding region is the region that RX uses for interpolation of the selected region. The data from the surrounding region is used to restore the selected region.
Spectral Repair in iZotope RX 7 is the key to discovering what your waveform won't show you. Use familiar drawing tools to identify and select problem frequencies and unwanted sounds. Salvage unusable material by filling in audio gaps instantly. With a unique visualization and a variety of selection tools at your fingertips, Spectral Repair lets you get closer to your audio and take a hands-on approach to repairing and enhancing it.
Once a problem sound has been identified, the Spectral Repair algorithms—available in the module or Instant Process Tool—are able to resynthesize the audio while taking into consideration tonal harmonics, nonlinear pitch changes like vibrato, background noise characteristics, and transient events. With the power of these tools, you can remove or attenuate unwanted, interfering sounds from barking dogs and breath noises to string squeaks, fret noise, and missed/wrong notes. RX 7 Advanced includes a multi-resolution mode that more accurately separates unwanted noise and desired audio.